Backpacks for the Homeless
On Sunday, March 22 we have the opportunity to practice our "BE" Attitudes as we gather to stuff bags with items to distribute to the homeless in our area. Start collecting items now such as bottles of water, individually wrapped snacks and breakfast foods, soap, socks, toothpaste, combs, brushes, you get the picture... On Sunday morning we will meet at a designated spot and distribute these items to the homeless. I am looking for someone to donate 100 lightweight backpacks (as shown). If you can help with this item or have connections with someone who might help with this item let me know.
Ways to help:
-Encourage others to help
-Collect items - ask folks if they would like to help with item donations by contacting the church or me.
-We will need bags: I thought lightweight back packs would be nice to place the items in (would also reduce litter)
-Help stuff bags on Saturday
-Help distribute bags on Sunday